Start With Strengths

Start With Strengths

Thrive in life!

2.5 Hour Online Workshop

Gain Confidence!

Increase Self-Awareness!

Grow Faster!

Make Great Decisions!

How Can This 2.5 Hour Workshop Help You?

What is CliftonStrengths for Women?

“What will happen if we think about what is right with people rather than fixating on what is wrong with them?” –Donald Clifton

Strengths is a tool to help individuals discover their top areas of talent, so that they may develop and apply them. People who focus on their Strengths are more likely to have higher levels of engagement, productivity, and well-being.

Developed by Gallup, the CliftonStrengths assessment consists of 34 Strengths. Gallup defines a Strength as the ability to provide consistent, near-perfect performance in any given activity. Taking the assessment allows individuals to identify, understand, and apply their most natural Strengths.

Why do colleges and universities value Strengths?

Strengths discovery and development supports three foundational educational pillars:

  • Learner Centered

Learn to overcome challenges and develop grit, thereby increasing persistence

Develop a growth mindset by focusing on strengths instead of weaknesses

  • Discovery Driven

Promotes greater self-awareness

Discovery of innate talents and exploring passions

  • Globally Engaged

Promotes understanding others, increasing empathy and acceptance

Connects people through using a common language

Strengths is a tool to help individuals reach their full potential through self-awarenesstalent development, and passion exploration.

  • Self-awareness: understanding WHO you are
  • Talent development: understanding HOW you set and reach goals
  • Passion exploration: discovering WHAT your passions are and WHY you are passionate about those things

What other women are saying about Strengths:

“I enjoyed doing this activity because for me at least, it is very easy to point out all my flaws, and very difficult for me to point out my strengths. This activity helped me recognize these strengths and understand how they apply to me, and how I can use them to my advantage to be a stronger and more put together person…Doing this activity helped boost not only my confidence about myself, but others as well because it gave me something that I can use to my benefit and that I can be proud of.” –First-Year seminar student

“Integrating Strengths into my Communications course allowed us to tie course material concepts to the students' knowledge of themselves which made what they were learning that much more real and concrete. “ –WMU instructor

"Knowing Strengths enabled me to see what I do well in a leadership role and what I can improve on." –Third year student in Communicating Leadership course

“I think that taking the test was one of the more helpful tasks in our FYE class because I really learned a lot about myself. I think that after learning my strengths I began to realize them more in my daily life. I am now more aware and more willing to learn how to develop not only my personality of strengths but also develop myself.” –First-Year seminar student

Register NOW!

What is included and what will you take away from this workshop?

  1. A Code to take the CliftonStrengths Assessment (must be completed prior to workshop) ($20 Value)
  2. How to use Strengths to understand your unique gifts in this world
  3. Find good-fit extra-curricular activities that fit your passion and help you thrive.
  4. Understand how to leverage your Strengths to be successful – how and when do you best think, retain information, and handle every day. Having this self-awareness can help you increase your daily joy and make decisions that are productive
  5. Know what value you bring to a group and understand what type of partners you need to come alongside you so that you have a dynamic team.
  6. Have a way to communicate with your colleagues, spouse and kids that leaves you feeling connected.

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